• E-6, Sector-21, Road No. 4, Industrial Area, Jagdishpur, District- Amethi - Uttar Pradesh, Pin Code-227817
  • ctedinfo@gmail.com

We build healthy communities to reduce the impact of illness on wellbeing, earning capacity and overall prosperity.

By 2025 our worker will also roll out a health initiative on non-communicable diseases reaching out to over 18,000 households.

Our health initiatives are aimed towards the complete physical, mental and social well-being of the community. Health issues are expensive to treat, and take away people’s ability to work, perform household duties and study. Over time, our work has evolved from simply providing clinical services, to promoting sustainable health through community engagement and complementing the existing public health system.

CTED builds healthy communities to reduce the impact of illness on wellbeing, earning capacity and overall prosperity. By focusing on AIDS, maternal, child and adolescent health, communicable and non-communicable disease and total sanitation, we are helping reduce the incidence of disease so people can lead healthy, happy prosperous lives.

Through our mobile camps and clinics we deliver a range of curative and diagnostic services to ensure the health and well-being of families and communities.

2. Preventive Health

Our priorities include Home Based Newborn Care and Maternal and Child Health delivered by health worker, with an additional focus on sanitation and anemia control.

Working through Government and public-private or private-private partnerships we tackle priority issues such as HIV-AIDS, tobacco control, child development and adolescent reproductive and sexual health.


Targeted Interventions (TI)

Providing Services for Targeted Interventions (TI) in Selected Gazipur districts in the State of Uttar Pradesh.

Uttar Pradesh State AIDS Control Societies (UPSACS) has been supporting for this project to operate in Gazipur district with a target population of 200 FSWs & 100 MSMs & 200 IDUs. In the Ghazipur project area 12 hot spot locations has been identified by the project staff and proposed consistently service, follow up and counselling to HRGs and STI, HIV infected person. Correct and consistent uses of condom, referral and linkages, outreach services and stigma reduction with community mobilisation proposed regular activities of the project.

Sl. No. Category Details
1 Donor Agency Uttar Pradesh State AIDS Control Society (UPSACS), Lucknow, Govt. Of Uttar Pradesh
2 Target Community Client in Ghazipur District
  • Female Sex Workers (FSWs) – 200 Nos.
  • Men having Sex with Men (MSMs) – 100 Nos.
  • Injecting Drug Users (IDUs) – 250 Nos.
3 Targeted Intervention (Nature of Project) In Ghazipur District core composite TIs projects are being implemented by CTED to reduce the rate of HIV transmission among FSWs, IDUs, and MSMs.
4 Project Period in Ghazipur District 2012-13, 2013-14, 2014-15, 2015-16, 2016-17, 2017-18, 2018-19 & 2019-20


Targeted Interventions (TI)

Providing Services for Targeted Interventions (TI) in Selected Pratapgarh districts in the State of Uttar Pradesh.

Uttar Pradesh State AIDS Control Societies (UPSACS) has been supporting for this project to operate in Pratapgarh district with a target population of 350 FSWs & 00 MSMs & 100 IDUs. In the Pratapgarh project area 06 hot spot locations has been identified by the project staff and proposed consistently service, follow up and counselling to HRGs and STI, HIV infected person. Correct and consistent uses of condom, referral and linkages, outreach services and stigma reduction with community mobilisation proposed regular activities of the project.

S.No Description Details
1 Donor Agency Uttar Pradesh State AIDS Control Society (UPSACS), Lucknow, Govt. Of Uttar Pradesh.
2 Target Community & Client in Pratapgarh District
  • Female Sex Workers (FSWs) – 350 Nos.
  • Men having Sex with Men (MSM) – 0 No.
  • Injecting Drug Users (IDUs) – 100 Nos.
3 Targeted Intervention (Nature of Project) In Pratapgarh District, core composite TIs projects are being implemented by CTED to reduce the rate of HIV transmission among FSWs, IDUs, and MSMs.
4 Project Period in Pratapgarh District 2020-21

Nai Manzil - Minorty Youth Trained as ‘Life-Skills and Sanitation Champions’

Under the Nai Manzil Project, Teenagers Minority Youth are playing a key role to Life-Skills and Sanitation Champions as part of Nai Manzil program. CTED has trained 965 Minority Youth across 07 Training centre locations and reaching out to 965 minority youth from 07 Training centre. AIDS Peer Educators also helped organize Health checkup camp & life skill training under Nai manzil project.

Village Level Health Awareness and Health Check up Camps

The villages (in the project area) are located in a very remote area and are isolated. There are lack of facilities and poor health and hygiene. The people are affected much during rainy seasons with various sicknesses like diarrhea, malaria, jaundice etc. The women and children always suffer due to anemia, malnutrition and common sicknesses.

Under the UPSACS-TI Project, we organize health camps once in a year in Ghazipur & Pratapgarh District to create health awareness among people and to treat various diseases with the help of primary health camp.

AIDS Awareness Programme

Under the UPSACS-TI Project, we have conducted a survey in Ghazipur & Pratapgarh District to assess and estimate the number of cases of HIV and AIDS in the district. We have conducted survey in 08 locations of Ghazipur city & 06 locations of Pratapgarh city and found that the situation of HIV and AIDS is major concern as we identified HIV cases among female sex workers. In order to bring awareness among the general masses health camps and rallies were organised. The World AIDS day was celebrated every year by distributing pamphlets and posters and workshops at project location.